
Putting smallholder farmers at the center of sustainable food systems:

a case study of North African dairy farmers

March | 20th

3:00-4:00pm CET · 9:00-10:00am CST · 10:00-11:00am EST

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Farm visit | Impact spotlight

  • Hazem Fahmy

    Hazem Fahmy

    Executive director

    Care Egypt Foundation

  • Britt Groosman

    Britt Groosman

    Vice President, Climate-Smart Agriculture

    Environmental Defense Fund

  • Emmanuel Marchant

    Emmanuel Marchant

    GM sustainable milk Africa


  • François-Henri Derrien

    François-Henri Derrien

    Africa Expert

    Danone Ecosystem

  • Alexandre Kouchner

    Alexandre Kouchner



Smallholder farmers represent 80% of farmers in North Africa. They have a fundamental role in delivering sustainable food systems, but as underscored by the Food and Agriculture Organization, many experience poverty, food insecurity, and limited access to markets and services.

In this webinar, we will explore the following questions while looking at concrete cases in North Africa:

  • How to support North African smallholders in shifting to farming models that are both sustainable and economically viable?
  • What do these models look like ?
  • What resources and partnerships are needed to achieve them?
  • How optimizing productivity can improve farmer livelihoods and ensure nutritional security while supporting lower methane emissions per unit of milk?

Supported by GIZ, Danone, Care International and local actors Danone Ecosystem projects in Morocco, Egypt and Algeria have helped more than 11,500 smallholders increase their revenue while improving environmental sustainability. In Algeria for example, subsistence farmers have increased their revenue by 34% while reducing their carbon footprint by 4% in 1 year.

  • giz
  • care
  • danone
  • ecosystem
  • edf